Welcoming Labour's New General Secretary

We welcome Labour's new General Secretary, David Evans. He's an experienced campaigner with excellent inside knowledge of the workings of the Labour Party, having previously been an Assistant General Secretary and Regional Secretary for the North West, helping to deliver one of Labour's landslide victories in 2001. We're looking forward to seeing him put this experience to good use as General Secretary, and have set up a Welcome Letter you can sign below.

Dear David

Congratulations on your new role, we can't wait to see you get to work building a Labour Party ready for government. In particular, we're looking forward to working with you in the following areas:

  • Tackling antisemitism - Implementing the EHRC's recommendations in full, rebuilding our relationship with the Jewish community and making sure antisemites are no longer welcome in Labour
  • Rebuilding Labour's campaigning machine - Making sure that we have 21st century campaign infrastructure across the country, ready to support CLPs in electing new Labour representatives in Westminster, Holyrood, Cardiff Bay and Councils everywhere
  • Making the most of Labour's broad church - Making sure future appointments are made based on merit, not factional allegiances
  • Defending Party Staff - Labour Party staff have faced some horrendous abuse in recent years, despite working incredibly hard to deliver results for Labour in trying circumstances. No one should have to work in an environment where they face constant abuse and suspicion and can't defend themselves

We sincerely hope with the support of the NEC and our new leadership that you can face up to these challenges and build a Labour Party fit to serve the whole country again. We wish you the very best of luck in your new role, and look forward to campaigning with you for a Labour government.

767 signatures

Will you sign?