Look To Norway

Join us on Wednesday 22nd September as we reflect on the Norwegian Labour Party’s recent election-winning success. We will be discussing how we can learn from them and their policies, platform and campaign. We will also compare the political process in Norway and the UK, and look to the future of Norway under social democratic principles.

Talk and Q&A with Cllr Milla Skaug Ødegaard (Nittedal kommune), Arbeiderpartiet Parliamentary candidate for Akershus and Co-Chair of King’s College London Labour.

September 22, 2021 at 1:30pm - 2:30pm
Kira Lewis ·

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Putting Labour First

Labour First is a network which exists to ensure that the voices of moderate party members are heard while the party is kept safe from the organised hard left, and those who seek to divert us from the work of making life better for ordinary working people and their families.

Labour First, 125 Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford, OX3 0RB

Contact Luke Akehurst: [email protected]

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