
Our absolute focus will be campaigning for Labour victories in the battleground seats come rain or shine, but we also need to get great candidates selected in the remaining constituencies, to win the local and Mayoral and Police and Crime Commissioner elections in May, and to win important internal elections during the course of the year for the National Executive Committee, National Policy Forum, Annual Conference delegates and to secure the future of the Party in Young Labour and Labour Students. Keir won’t be able to lead the country effectively if he doesn’t have the party united behind him.
None of this happens by accident, we win through organising.
Labour First needs your support to make this a year to remember, the best year in the party’s history, internally and externally.
Can you chip in to help us raise the £130,000 we need to operate this year, including our contribution to the Labour to Win coalition? Whether you can give £10 or £100 or £1,000 it all helps us get there, as we are powered by hundreds of you giving.

£88,357.00 raised
GOAL: £130,000.00