Labour First Annual Meeting 2023

The Labour First Annual Meeting will be at 10.30am on Saturday 2nd December at Brandall Labour Club, Tame Road, Oldbury, B68 0JT, with Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson MP as the keynote speaker. The event ends at lunchtime and light refreshments are provided, as well as the pay bar at the Club being open. To help us anticipate the number of attendees, please register here:

December 02, 2023 at 10:30am - 1:30pm
Brandhall Labour Club
Tame Road
Oldbury B68 0JT
United Kingdom
Google map and directions
Luke Akehurst · · 07949152562

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Putting Labour First

Labour First is a network which exists to ensure that the voices of moderate party members are heard while the party is kept safe from the organised hard left, and those who seek to divert us from the work of making life better for ordinary working people and their families.

Labour First, 125 Oxford Road, Old Marston, Oxford, OX3 0RB

Contact Luke Akehurst: [email protected]

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